Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jill Rosenblum Post #7 Leap of Faith (1992)

Leap of Faith (1992) directed by Richard Pearce is about Jonas Nightingale(Steve Martin) who is a fake faith healer and is used to conning everyone to believe in his word so he can make money. Him and his group travel all around to different cities spreading their word and making money that is until one day when their vehicles break down. Jane Larson (Debra Winger) seems to be in love with Jonas although she is partner in crime with Jonas but she seems like she is just looking for love through this movie. Jonas meets Marva who is a diner waitress and tries to win her over with his normal speech of being a preacher and everyone seems to buy it expect Marva which intrigues Jonas to be interested in Marva. Throughout the movie Jonas realizes that he can't keep scamming people anymore with his fake preacher attempt and I think he starts to become sick of his same normal routine.

This movie uses a lot of close up shots and over the shoulder shots. A lot of full body shots are shown as well when Jonas is preaching. I think this works though there is one scene where Jonas is preaching by himself with no one towards the end of the film which is a full body far away shot, I think this works though because it shows the impact Jonas has and how he is starting to feel bad for scamming people when he is preaching alone.

I thought this movie was okay, I wouldn't say it was my favorite film but it wasn't terrible either. I've always been a Steve Martin fan and I think his acting job in this movie is excellent however, I do tend to like the other movies he has acted him better. However, if someone were to want to watch this movie I would tell them to watch it to get their opinion and see what they think.

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