Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Hunt for Red October 1990

Kelly Wade post #7 -- The Hunt for Red October, 1990 -- Directed by: John McTiernan

What made this movie so interesting to me was the amount of excitement and intensity it had. ALmost every scene you could feel like you were there with the characters finding out the information as it unfolded. I liked that they used interesting camera angles, especially with the submarines and explosions out of the water. However, with how vibrant the cast and plot was, the entire film seemed drabber than it should have. The water, the submarine, the uniforms that the characters wore were al drab colors that didn't seem to pop off the screen. I know that it's a military movie, and maybe director John McTiernan wanted all the focus to be on the dialogue (which was very important to the plot) and the suspense, but as I watched, I was thinking to myself that a lot of the time the camera could have captured the light in a better way. Although the muted colors didn't take away from the tone of the film,they definitely didn't add to it at all. It really was a great film and although the set didn't change much- being on the submarine most of the time- I thought this helped in that the viewer was more focused on the development of the characters, and furthering the plot. 

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