Thursday, March 22, 2012

Post #5 "Hook" (1991)

"Hook" the 1991 movie which is of course a re-make of the original Peter Pan was one of my favorites growing up, but I never knew that they make a remake the year that I was born.  They change the story a bit by having Peter Pan as an adult; but he needs to return to Never Never Land to regain his youthful spirit and face his enemy Captain Hook. One of the first things that I noticed about the film is that there are an extreme amount of cuts.  I counted a few of them and the scene seems to change every 7 seconds, which means a lot of information is being fed to you and you need to pay attention or you might miss a very important detail. I also noticed that there are a lot of extreme close ups, I guess because every character has specific details and expressions and they want to emphasize this. The graphics in the movie were done really well for 1991, and I also noticed that they used a lot of birds eye view angles and worms eye view angles.

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