Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jordan Valdez Post #4 My Cousin Vinny

Post #4, Jordan Valdez, My Cousin Vinny, 1992, Directed by Jonathan Lynn

     My Cousin Vinny, directed by Jonathan Lynn, has to be one of the greatest comedies of 1992.  After finally seeing this film, I was able to connect back so many jokes and one-liners that my family has been using throughout my childhood and teenage years.  The movie sets up a classic misunderstood situation in which the characters get tied up in certain circumstances all because of miscommunications and I found myself on the edge of my seat until the truth came out.  I really enjoyed the play on the contrast of northern versus southern cultures, as I can relate it to my own family and friends.  The characters were convincing, the dialogue was clever, and the plot and story line was entertaining.  There was a great use of irony and foreshadowing in the film as well which made the outcome such an ah-ha moment.  Although the main genre of the film is comedy, crime was also a major aspect, making this the fourth movie i've seen for this project that has had crime involved in some way.
     I saw many great filmmaking techniques in this movie, and some that I have yet to see used so far in doing this project.  One of these main techniques I have not seen yet was the high angle shot.  Lynn used this shot a great deal throughout the film, for example, in the courtroom as the trial progressed.  There were also multiple pans and tilt shots done in the movie.  The majority of the other basic shots consisted of mainly medium and long shots, without many close ups for a change.  Lynn also did a nice job incorporating establishing shots throughout the film to make sure we could follow the action.

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