Friday, March 2, 2012

Alex Williams, Post #5, Like Water for Chocolate, 1992, Alfonso Arau

Like Water for Chocolate is a Mexican film by Alfonso Arau.  This film takes on quite a few very interesting and unique characteristics in storytelling and presentation, but the most important aspect of this movie is the presentation of traditional Mexican culture.
Throughout the film the culture of traditional Mexico is in the foreground.  To begin with, there is not much background music in this film, which gives the movie a very basic and minimalist feel.  This choice was made in order to reflect the character's modest lifestyle.  Secondly food plays a huge part in the storytelling, helping express what different characters were feeling during particular parts of the film, and holding an almost magical quality.  The food almost even becomes a character, as it affects the way characters behave and act, and even in the end becomes the bond between a young girl and her ancestry.
Another aspect of this movie that made it so interesting and unique was the love story between Pedro and Tita. Their romance played as a complete contrast to the Mexican tradition surrounding it, and their relationship was extremely unconventional when compared to American love stories.
I enjoyed this movie, and would suggest it to anyone who enjoys romantic movies

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