Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Samantha Pysher Post #4 Dark Waters 1993 Mariano Baino

            Dark Waters could be categorized as one of the best horror films of the 1990’s. The movie is about a lady by the name of Elizabeth who is tortured by horrible visions from her childhood. In order for her to discover the truth about her past she must travel to a remote island. While on this island she finds a twisted group of nuns who are evil. After spending time with the nuns Elizabeth starts having horrific nightmares. Elizabeth sees no escape from the menacing evil that inhabits the strange island that she traveled too. This movie was originally released in Europe with the title Dark Waters but when it was released in the United States the title was changed to Dead Waters. Louise Salter starts as Elizabeth.
            This film uses a stylish yet unique way of showing us the horror behind the horror story. I feel the nuns make a great influence to the cast and to the plot and flow of the story. This movie is a good example of how atmosphere alone can make a movie work and be good. The plot itself was a little confusing but well worth all the confusion in the end. The way the director decided to show the nightmares Elizabeth was having was truly bone chilling. All-in-all the movie was rather great and truly a good horror movie.

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