Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#2- Pretty Woman- Tori Douglas

Pretty Woman- 1990- Tori Douglas

Theme: Crime-Romantic Comedy

Pretty Woman is technically considered a romantic comedy, however, following the theme of crime is does possess certain elements of ‘crime’ with Vivian Ward’s escort services. Directed by Garry Marshall, this timeless- Hollywood fairytale set in LA. Julia Roberts, who plays Vivian Ward, a prostitute, and Richard Gere, playing businessman Edward Lewis meet by chance and wind up spending many days in each others company.

When the movie was filmed, Walt Disney Studios was backing them financially, so many location changes were available to the director and producers of Pretty Woman, a budget of $14 million was spent to create elaborate shots throughout the Beverly Hills area.

Every time I watch a movie, or TV show, I can’t help but look to see if they are using the rule of thirds. No doubt that Pretty Woman also used this rule to create more dynamic shots throughout the movie. I also noticed that they used many medium/portrait shots as well as full shots. On the other hand, of what I did not see too much of throughout the movie was establishing shots, I understand that a movie has a certain flow to it, where you don't always need establishing shots, but when traveling through different scenes it would have been nice to get more information before the dialogue started. Overall, I think this movie was a great success for he director and both main characters.

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